The dissociative spectrum extends from normal dissociation (something as simple as daydreaming) to 'poly-fragmented' DID, with many other named disorders and unnamed levels between the two. Because the spectrum is so broad, it is impossible for someone who is untrained (even someone who may have done a great deal of reading on the subject) to try diagnose themselves or someone else.

Proper diagnosis of dissociative disorders is absolutely essential to receiving the proper treatment. Every diagnosis needs to be made by someone who has experience and training in working with dissociation, and a broad knowledge of the entire spectrum. Because of this, trying to guess where you, or someone else may fall on this dissociative spectrum could end up slowing healing, rather than helping.

When supporting someone who mentions dissociation, remember that dissociation does not automatically mean dissociative identity disorder (DID). In fact, DID is much rarer than other dissociative disorders. Please take care not to direct someone toward a diagnosis of any type, particularly DID. Rather if you are speaking with someone who seems concerned about their dissociation, the most help that you can give to them is to listen and support, and to suggest that they seek the appropriate (experienced) professional help.

So remember, some level of dissociation is common for abuse survivors, but DID is not. When there is concern that someone is experiencing above normal levels of dissociation, it is always imperative to seek appropriate, experienced professional help.