Descriptions of Christian Survivors Private Forums

Private forums are a women only section of Christian Survivors that focus on the deeper issues of abuse in a safe and supportive atmosphere. Access requests are only granted after review by our leadership team. They have the final say on all access matters.

Please post requests for forum access, after the required length of time for that forum, in the 'Need Help? Ask the Staff' forum (under the category 'fragile hearts')

The term regular posting, as used below, is defined as having posted regularly in support areas of the forum for the required time, shown a willingness to work on support issues, and prove yourself to be honest and trustworthy. Posting regularly generally means averaging participation/posting time on the forums at least a couple times per week.

Severely Triggering Topic access is granted after participation requirements are met, based on abuse history and need.

Thanks for your understanding!!

Seasons of Hope :

Away from the hustle and bustle of everything, Seasons of Hope is the warm kitchen of our home-- somewhere to gather round the stove & chat.

Access is given after 4 weeks of regular posting, on request.

Adults Only :

Away from the younger members of the forum, this is a safe place to discuss the adult issues related to being an abuse survivor.

Access is given to female members over 21's, after 6 weeks of regular posting, on request.

Please note - this forum may contain graphic and frank discussions on sexual issues.

Reflections :

A place to safely deal with low self esteem; body image misconceptions; and the emotional roots that cause them.

Access is given to regular members on request!

Severely Triggering Topics :

This is a private category of trigger folder, containing several specific folders inside it, each of which need to be requested separately. Please be aware that access to these areas is granted based on need specific to your abuse history.

The forums within this category are :

Dealing with Emotional/Physical Abuse and Neglect: ( 6 weeks participation required for access)

Healing from Sexual Abuse: (6 weeks participation required for access)

Self Injury Issues: (6 weeks participation required for access) This forum is a safe place to talk about Self Injury issues. Please remember we do not allow graphic descriptions of self harm events.

Cover me with Love: This forum is for our members who are survivors of domestic abuse. Access is available whether the abuse is in the past, or is ongoing. (6 weeks participation for access)

Recovering from Ritual Abuse: (16 weeks participation required for access)

The definition we have used for the purposes of access requirements for the RA forum is as follows :

"The term ritual abuse is generally used to mean prolonged, extreme, sadistic abuse, especially of children, within a group setting. The group's ideology is used to justify the abuse, and abuse is used to teach the group's ideology. The activities are kept secret from society at large, as they violate norms and laws."